Editors' blog from British Patchwork and Quilting Magazine, a monthly publication written by quilters, for quilters

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Farewell 2013............Hello 2014!

So, here it is! The last day of 2013!

This year has been a difficult one for all of us with the loss of Di Huck in February. Di WAS Patchwork & Quilting magazine. She was the driving force behind it. Although her influence has been sorely missed, life does go on and the magazine has continued to go from strength to strength.

By now many of you should have seen our new look January issue which came out just before Christmas.

The magazine has a new clean modern look but still has all your favourite articles and features. We are particularly pleased with how the projects are looking; giving you all the information you need to make a particular project on one double page spread.
Looking forward to 2014 we have a special celebration later in the year as the November issue will be our 250th issue! Lots of plans are afoot for exciting ways to mark this occasion.
A new year is traditionally a time to reassess our lives and to set ourselves resolutions. Quilting resolutions are much more interesting than losing weight, giving up smoking etc. For myself, this past year I have managed to be more productive in my quilty finishes, mainly because I have taught myself to machine quilt. For 2014 I think I would like to try and find the time to make more quilts for me............including finishing one I started over ten years ago!

So what are your New Year Quilting Resolutions? Leave a comment on this post and I'll see if I can find a prize in the offices for one lucky commenter. Closing date will be 12 noon Tuesday 7 January 2014.
So from all of us at P&Q, a very happy and peaceful New Year!
